Library Calendar

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Finding New Books or Authors

If you are waiting for your favorite author to  finish his or her next book or if you are on hold for a book, our catalog has a way to help you find a new read while you are waiting. Search for the title of a book that you like, then select it. Once the record for the book come up on your screen, scroll down. You will find covers of similar books under the title, You May Also Like. If you move your cursor over these book covers, you will see a short description, a rating, and a button to click to see if the book is available in our system. If you go down a little further, you will see a list of similar authors.

Another way to find books that you might like is through Novelist Plus. It is provided by the WV Library Commission at Go to the list of Databases and scroll down to Novelist Plus. There are several ways to search this database, but on the left column different types of books are listed. Each type is divided up into narrower categories. For example, under Fantasy, there are 13 types of Fantasies from Here Be Dragons to Steampunk Fiction. Under each category are several suggested titles. There is also a version of this database available for finding books for the the K-8 crowd.

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