Library Calendar
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Books with Fines and Fine Free Week
Someone who had missed fine free week for National Library Week asked if we would repeat this opportunity. The answer is YES! We do fine forgiveness in the Spring for National Library Week and again in the Fall. We also do a fine reduction for the library's anniversary in the first week of June. There is a coupon printed in the newspaper for that. You can get more than half off the fine during that week. However, if you have materials out that are overdue, please return them as soon as possible. That stops the fines from accumulating. You won't be able to use the card the item was checked out on until the fine is settled or forgiven, but returning the item undamaged prevents the fine from getting any bigger. You don't even have to come into the library. Just drop the item in our drop box on Sarah Lane between the library and the community center. Our goal is to get the material back in the system so that other people can use it!