Library Calendar

Monday, September 10, 2012

Foundation Grant Resource Center Services VISTA Position Opening

The Mary H. Weir Public Library has an opening for a  “Community Grant Resource Center Developer” for an AmeriCorps.Gov one year community service position at the Library’s FoundationCenter.Org--Cooperating Collection Services. Candidate should have four year college degree, be a self starter, be highly motivated and have good communication skills. Individual should have good computer software and media and social media skills. VISTA Project activities include supporting a public library grant writing and research center with a diverse community for nonprofits needing grant writing resouces. One year contract, monthly stipend, health plan and college tuition benetfit.

Interested Candidates should visit AmeriCorps.Gov for online register application for this position. Further inquiries can be made directly to Reba Crossen,, AmeriCorps Vista Program Director, United Way Square, Charleston, W.V., 25301, 304-340-3620, and to Richard Rekowski, Director of Mary H. Weir Public Library, 3442 Main St., Weirton, W.V., 26062, 304-797-

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