Library Calendar

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Americorps Vista Position Deadline Extended

Applications for the following position will continue to be accepted through August.

National Community Employment Experience Opportunity: The Mary H. Weir Public Library has an AmeriCorps VISTA position for a college graduate for the Library’s “Community Grant Center Service Developer and Implementation Services”.Candidate will introduce and implement a public grant center service to Weirton Area and build sustainability with community collaborative resources.
VISTA Member Duties : Raise awareness of the Library’s Grant Research Center for area non-profits, government and community at large. Develop and implement grant writing and educational resources workshops. Solicit funding and volunteers. Build a data base of resources, and a communication system that will enable easy access for area non-profits, individuals, agencies, education and business to contribute to and access the demographics of the Weirton area including the respective information needs of nonprofits and agencies in the Weirton area. These resources, information and communication network will be useful for community visioning and development. Solicit professional volunteers for non-profits to train new non-profits that may need help and or resources to address their needs in Weirton area community.

Service Areas : Community and Economic Development , Community Outreach , Children/Youth , Education , Technology.

Skills : Communications , Community Organization , Computers/Technology , Education , Fund raising/Grant Writing , Public Speaking , Recruitment , Writing/Editing , Youth Development , General Skills , No outside employment .

AmeriCorps VISTA one year commitment at the Mary H. Weir Public Library.

“This is an excellent opportunity for a college graduate interested in obtaining experience and applying their education in community development, public service, examining community (information) resources and visioning.” ..Mr. Rekowski, Director, Mary H. Weir Public Library.

Application Procedure: Applicants will find the application online.
Go to On the right side of the page under the Vista symbol is the question "Where would you like to serve?"  Enter West Virginia, and click on the search button. Look for UWCW Weir Public Library  on the second results page. This will bring up information about the project. At the bottom of this page is a button that says "Apply Now" You will be asked to register with the system, then fill out an application. Any further questions may be directed to Ms. Fundis of the library's reference staff at 302-797-8510 or or  AmeriCorps Director Reba Crossen in Charleston at 304-340-3620 or

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