Library Calendar

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Extension Programs at the Library

The WVU Extension Service in Hancock County will be offering two workshops at the library this month.

All About Bees will be presented on March 11 at 1:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. The guest speaker will be Joe Kovaleski from Buena Vista Honey Farms. He will discuss the basics of beekeeping and what bees do for our gardens. This program is sponsored by the Hancock County 4H and the Tri-State Master Gardeners Association.

Raising Backyard Poultry will be presented on March 22 at 6:00 p.m. The guest speaker will be Jerry Ours who is a Poultry and Environmental Specialist with the West Virginia Department of Agriculture. He will be discussing poultry breeds, housing, feeding, production and disease prevention.

For more information, contact the WVU Extension Service, Hancock County at 304-564-3805.

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