The Mary H. Weir Public Library designates two weeks a year as fine free weeks. One of those weeks is National Library Week, which is April 12th to 18th this year. That means that any materials returned to the library during this time period will have any fines on the material forgiven automatically.
If you have fines on material that was returned to this library previously, you can come into the library during National Library Week and request to have your fines forgiven. This will only be done by request; it does not occcur automatically. This offer only applies to fines on returned materials returned to us. Replacement costs for lost or damaged materials will still apply, and fines cannot be forgiven on materials that have not yet been returned. Since many of the libraries in our section of the state have joined in a consortium and use the same card, a fine at one library may prevent you from checking out material at another library.
The library is more interested in getting our materials back than we are in collecting fines. Many materials cannot be replaced because they have gone out of print. This is particularly true for earlier titles in fiction series. Often by the time an author is writing the 10th or 11th book of a series, you can no longer purchase the first few books in that series.
If you have fines, don't miss this great opportunity to return your library card to good standing!